Can You Remove Hair Permanently with Laser?

When you were in the shower shaving your legs this morning, did you think about how much you enjoy shaving the same areas over and over again to remove hair that always grows back? Or did you feel annoyed and frustrated by how long it takes you to get silky smooth skin (for women, that’s about 1,700 hours of your life)?
At Sliq, we’re willing to bet you’re one of the millions of people who don’t enjoy shaving or waxing. But living here in sunny Malaysia, you probably spend a fair amount of time getting rid of unwanted hair. We offer a solution to this time-consuming process with state-of-the-art laser hair removal treatments.Why wait any longer to have smooth skin when you can permanently reduce hair growth without the hassle of shaving, plucking, or waxing?

Laser hair removal is a more permanent solution

Ditch the razors, the messy creams, and the painful waxing appointments. Laser hair removal with the Alma Diode hair removal technology from Germany is the time-saving, cost-effective way to achieve permanent hair reduction.
 Alma Diode Hair removal technology is one of the gentlest aesthetic treatments available. It’s safe enough for all skin types and most hair colors, any time of the year.
 This machine is unique as it has patented In-motion technique with SHR which dramatically improves the result.  After just 3-6 treatments, you may never have to pick up a razor again.

Treatments deliver optimal, long-lasting results

Many of our clients wonder why it takes more than one laser hair removal session to get the most permanent results. It’s because your hair grows in stages.
 The laser is most effective at damaging the hair follicle when hair is in its growth stage. Therefore, when you have a series of Icon laser sessions, the treatment is more effective at delivering long-lasting results because it has a chance to target more hair as it’s growing.
 You may notice a reduction in hair growth after the very first appointment, but you definitely see a difference after your sixth session. Our team customizes a treatment plan based on your hair and skin color and hair type for the most desirable outcome.

Removing hair on more than just your legs

If you like smooth legs, laser hair removal works just about everywhere else, too. Because the Icon system is so versatile and gentle, you can permanently reduce hair on your:

  • Face
  • Back
  • Bikini area
  • Chest
  • Underarms
  • Arms

Your whole body can be beach-ready and smooth in no time at all.
Our Hair removal treatments are virtually painless, too. You may feel tingling during treatment or a sensation that feels like the tiny snap of a rubber band, but it’s all very tolerable.

Why wait when you can start today?

Before you set foot in the shower armed with your disposable razor, why not explore a more permanent method of removing unwanted hair? Consider laser hair removal treatments, and in just weeks, you’ll be wondering where all your extra free time came from.

Take the first step toward smoother, hair-free legs, underarms, and bikini area by calling Sliq Clinic Aesthetic and Laser to schedule a laser hair removal appointment today.


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